2023年9月の気になるニュース / Interesting News in September 2023


The appearance of Bradley Cooper in the biopic of Leonard Bernstein has sparked controversy, particularly regarding the size of his nose. Some have argued that it perpetuates derogatory stereotypes about Jewish people. However, Bernstein’s family has expressed support for Cooper’s decision, stating that there is nothing wrong with his use of makeup to modify his appearance. The family also defended the choice of a non-Jewish actor to play Bernstein’s wife, stating that they had no issue with it and believed their father would have felt the same. They accused the critics of dishonestly trying to attack Cooper’s reputation. While some have raised concerns about the portrayal, including likening it to blackface, others believe that a Jewish actor should have been chosen. The film, titled “Maestro,” will premiere at the Venice Film Festival in September and be released on Netflix in December. Similarly, the film “Golda,” in which Helen Mirren portrays former Israeli Prime Minister Golda Meir, has faced similar criticism. Some argue that the role requires a Jewish actor.


The article discusses the risks of holding yen cash deposits as a safe asset in Japan. The yen has been depreciating against the dollar, leading to a decrease in the value of yen deposits. The article highlights the increasing awareness of the need to diversify investments and consider foreign currency assets. The expansion of the tax-exempt small investment system (NISA) in 2024 has encouraged more households to focus on asset management. The decline in the value of the yen has created an opportunity loss for those holding only yen assets, as foreign currency assets have shown better returns, particularly in the US stock market. The article also emphasizes the importance of considering the real effective exchange rate (REER) and the wage gap when assessing the value of the yen. The trend towards investing in foreign currency-denominated assets may accelerate with the introduction of NISA, which poses a risk to the yen’s depreciation and the Japanese economy.


The Japanese government’s plan to release treated water from the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant into the Pacific Ocean has sparked anxiety and anger domestically and internationally. Critics are concerned about the potential pollution of the ocean and the impact on the livelihoods of fisheries and seafood industries. The Japanese government argues that the water has been treated and is safe for release, citing the approval of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA). The water has been filtered through a removal system and the remaining radioactive materials have been diluted to acceptable safety standards. Scientists and experts have supported the release plan, stating that the levels of radioactive isotopes in the water are minimal and pose little danger to humans or marine life. However, environmentalists and some scientists have expressed opposition, calling for more research on the effects on the marine ecosystem. Neighboring countries, particularly China and South Korea, have criticized Japan’s plan and demanded further consultation and agreement before any release is made. Overall, there is ongoing debate and disagreement regarding the disposal of the treated water from the Fukushima plant.


Evgeny Prigozhin, the founder of the Russian private military company Wagner, is believed to have died in a plane crash in Tver Oblast, Russia. The plane, an Embraer Legacy, was heading from Moscow to St. Petersburg when it crashed near the village of Kuzhenkino. The bodies of all 10 passengers and crew members have been recovered, including Prigozhin and Dmitry Utkin, the co-founder of Wagner. The crash is being investigated as a criminal case under the Russian Criminal Code. Some experts have raised doubts about whether it was truly Prigozhin who died in the crash, noting that several people have changed their names to confuse authorities. Prigozhin was known for his role in Wagner and his close ties to Russian President Vladimir Putin. He had recently been involved in the conflict in Ukraine and had criticized the Russian government’s policies.

“原爆の父 “と呼ばれる物理学者ロバート・オッペンハイマーを描いた映画『オッペンハイマー』が、アメリカをはじめ各国で大ヒットしている。しかし、日本では未公開であり、上映の是非が議論されている。懸念や批判があるにせよ、この映画は日本で上映され、議論されるべきだという意見もある。この映画は、原爆開発への関わりや、その後の核軍縮の提唱など、オッペンハイマーの生涯を描いている。科学と政治の対立、そしてオッペンハイマーが直面した個人的な葛藤を掘り下げている。監督は、原爆による実際の惨状を描かず、むしろオッペンハイマーの心の旅路に焦点を当てることを選んだ。原爆の使用と戦争終結におけるその役割については、さまざまな見方があり、開かれた議論と理解の必要性を強調している。著者は、より正確な歴史を理解するために、歴史の歪曲に立ち向かい、異なる視点に耳を傾けることの重要性を強調している。

“Oppenheimer,” a film about physicist Robert Oppenheimer, known as the “father of the atomic bomb,” has been a blockbuster hit in the United States and other countries. However, the film has not been released in Japan, and there has been debate about whether it should be shown there. Some people argue that the film should be seen and discussed in Japan, despite concerns and criticism. The film explores Oppenheimer’s life, including his involvement in the development of the atomic bomb and his subsequent advocacy for nuclear disarmament. It delves into the conflict between science and politics and the personal struggles Oppenheimer faced. The director chose not to depict the actual devastation caused by the atomic bombs, but rather focuses on Oppenheimer’s emotional journey. There are differing perspectives on the use of the atomic bomb and its role in ending the war, highlighting the need for open discussion and understanding. The author emphasizes the importance of confronting historical distortions and listening to different perspectives to create a more accurate understanding of history.


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