Temples – “Exotico”


Temples’ fourth album, “Exotico,” is a mixed bag. The album has its moments, but it’s also a bit of a letdown after their previous two albums, “Sun Structures” and “Volcano.”

The album opens strong with the title track, a catchy and upbeat psychedelic rocker. However, the rest of the album is a bit more uneven. Some songs, such as “Helter Skelter” and “Mesmerise,” are solid, but others, such as “The Old Enemy” and “Cicada,” are forgettable.

Overall, “Exotico” is a decent album, but it’s not a great one. Fans of Temples will likely find something to enjoy, but others may be disappointed.


アルバムはタイトル曲で始まります。これは、キャッチーでアップテンポなサイケデリック・ロックです。しかし、その後の曲は少しばらつきがあります。いくつかの曲、例えば「Helter Skelter」や「Mesmerise」は、しっかりした出来です。しかし、他の曲、例えば「The Old Enemy」や「Cicada」は、忘れられがちです。



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