Sigur Rós “ÁTTA”


Sigur Rós’ eighth studio album, “Átta,” is a return to form for the Icelandic post-rock band. The album is awash in ambient strings and Jónsi’s inimitable vocals, creating a sense of vastness and beauty. While the album may not be as groundbreaking as some of Sigur Rós’ earlier work, it is a solid and satisfying listen.

The album opens with the title track, “Átta,” which sets the tone for the rest of the album. The track is slow-paced and atmospheric, with Jónsi’s vocals floating over the strings. “Blóðberg” is another highlight, with its driving beat and soaring vocals. The album also features some quieter moments, such as “Mór” and “Fall.”

Overall, “Átta” is a well-crafted album that showcases Sigur Rós’ unique sound. While it may not be their best album, it is still a worthy addition to their discography.

シガー・ロスの8枚目のスタジオアルバム「Átta」は、アイスランドの post-rockバンドの復活を告げる作品です。このアルバムは、アンビエントなストリングスとヨンシの比類なきボーカルが溢れており、広大さと美しさの感覚を創造しています。このアルバムは、シガー・ロスの以前の作品ほど画期的ではないかもしれませんが、堅実で満足のいくものです。




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