“The Righteous Mind: Why Good People Are Divided by Politics and Religion” is a 2012 social psychology book by Jonathan Haidt. The book describes human morality as it relates to politics and religion. According to Jonathan Haidt, moral judgments don’t arise from any type of rational reflection, but instead gut feelings buried deep inside the subconscious.
The book challenges conventional thinking about morality, politics, and religion in a way that speaks to conservatives and liberals alike.
The book is a landmark contribution to humanity’s understanding of itself. It encourages understanding and civility in our public life.
The book is divided into three parts: “Intuitions Come First”, “There’s More to Morality than Harm and Fairness”, and “Morality Binds and Blinds”. The first part explains how moral intuitions are formed in the brain. The second part explains how morality is more than just harm and fairness. The third part explains how morality binds people together into groups.
“The Righteous Mind: Why Good People Are Divided by Politics and Religion”は、ジョナサン・ヘイトによる2012年の社会心理学の本です。本書は、政治と宗教に関連する人間の道徳を説明しています。ジョナサン・ヘイトによると、道徳的な判断は、どのような合理的な反省からも生じず、代わりに潜在意識の奥深くに埋め込まれた直感から生じるとされています。