日本現代服飾文化史: ジャパン ファッション クロニクル インサイトガイド 1945~2021

日本の現代服飾文化史: ジャパン ファッション クロニクル インサイトガイド 1945~2021は、日本の現代服飾文化の歴史を詳細に追った本です。1945年の終戦から2021年までの70年間にわたって、日本のファッションは大きく変化してきました。本書では、その変化の過程を、ファッション雑誌、写真、広告、映画などの資料をもとに、わかりやすく解説しています。



Japanese Modern Fashion Culture History: Japan Fashion Chronicle Insight Guide 1945-2021 is a book that traces the history of modern Japanese fashion culture in detail. Japanese fashion has changed significantly over the past 70 years since the end of World War II in 1945. This book explains the process of this change in a clear and easy-to-understand manner, using materials such as fashion magazines, photographs, advertisements, and movies.

The biggest feature of this book is that it does not see Japanese fashion as a history that simply follows fashion trends, but as a history that reflects the changes in Japanese society, culture, and economy. The fashion of each era reflects the values and way of life of the people living in that era. By reading this book, you can understand Japanese modern history through the history of Japanese fashion.

This book is a must-read not only for those interested in fashion, but also for those interested in Japanese modern history. By learning the history of Japanese fashion, you can better understand Japanese society, culture, and economy.


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