【Book Summary】 J. D. Salinger – Nine Stories / サリンジャー (著), 野崎 孝 (翻訳) – ナイン・ストーリーズ

“Nine Stories” is a collection of short stories by American fiction writer J.D. Salinger, published in 1953. The book includes nine stories, most of which originally appeared in The New Yorker. The stories cover a range of themes and settings, reflecting the complexity of human nature and the diversity of the human experience.

The first story, “A Perfect Day for Bananafish,” revolves around Muriel Glass and her husband Seymour, who is struggling to adapt to civilian life after returning from war. In “Uncle Wiggily in Connecticut,” Mary Jane and Eloise, two dissatisfied women, discuss their past over cocktails. “Just Before the War with the Eskimos” tells the story of Ginnie Mannox, who confronts her friend Serena Graff over unpaid cab fare.

“The Laughing Man” is about a young man called the Chief who tells stories to a group of young boys in Manhattan. “Down at the Dinghy” focuses on Boo Boo Tannenbaum as she tries to lure her son home from his hiding place on a boat.

The book also includes “For Esmé—With Love and Squalor,” “Pretty Mouth and Green My Eyes,” “De Daumier-Smith’s Blue Period,” and “Teddy,” each offering unique insights into different aspects of life.

「ナイン・ストーリーズ」は、アメリカの小説家J.D. サリンジャーによる1953年に出版された短編集です³。この本には、ほとんどがニューヨーカー誌で最初に掲載された9つの物語が含まれています。これらの物語は、人間性の複雑さと人間体験の多様性を反映したさまざまなテーマと設定をカバーしています。





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